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Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders affect an estimated 11 million Americans, making it a common yet often overlooked condition. For many, TMJ pain can be debilitating, impacting daily activities and quality of life. If you are experiencing discomfort in your jaw, persistent headaches, or difficulty moving your mouth, finding the right treatment is crucial to maintaining your quality of life.

Looking for a TMJ Specialist in San Diego?

At San Diego Medical Massage, we provide massage therapy services targeting TMJ disorders to help you find lasting pain relief.

Click the link below for a medical massage session today!

What is TMJ Disorder?

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD), commonly referred to as TMJ disorder, encompasses various conditions that impact the jaw joint and the muscles surrounding it. This joint, located where the jawbone connects to the skull, can become painful and dysfunctional due to various factors. TMJ disorders can impact your ability to speak, chew, and even breathe comfortably.

How is TMJ Diagnosed?

Diagnosing TMJ disorders is a crucial step in crafting an effective treatment plan. Your medical professional will conduct a physical examination, consider your health history, and possibly perform imaging tests. Your healthcare provider will assess your symptoms for movement limitations in the jaw. They may also use X-rays or MRI scans to evaluate the condition of your joint.

Symptoms of TMJ Disfunction

Pain and Limited Jaw Movement

Jaw pain is a key symptom of TMJ dysfunction, often spreading to the neck, shoulders, or ears. Many patients also face limited jaw mobility, making it challenging to open or close the mouth properly.


TMJ disorders frequently cause headaches, which can vary from mild to severe. These headaches often originate from muscle tension in the jaw and neck, contributing to overall discomfort.

Jaw Lock and Clicking

One common symptom of TMJ dysfunction is jaw locking or catching during movement. When opening or closing the mouth, a clicking or popping sound also signals jaw joint misalignment.

Ear Pain

Pain around the ear area is another symptom associated with TMJ disorders. This discomfort can range from sharp to dull and is often confused with ear infections or similar conditions.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism often exacerbates TMJ issues. It places extra stress on the jaw joint, contributing to pain and further damage.

What Causes TMJ Pain?

Muscle Tension and Stress

Chronic stress and muscle tension are significant contributors to TMJ pain. Stress can lead to muscle tightness in the jaw and neck, exacerbating pain and dysfunction. Muscle tightness can create trigger points and adhesions that block proper nerve function, radiating pain along the face and neck. 

Jaw Misalignment

Jaw misalignment can lead to TMJ disorders, whether due to dental issues or structural problems. An uneven bite or poor dental alignment often contributes to joint strain. Individuals who have worn braces in the past are prone to this problem, as their jaw may be misaligned after orthodontic procedures. 

Bruxism and Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, places excessive pressure on the TMJ, leading to inflammation and pain. This condition can stem from factors like stress, anxiety, or dental misalignment. Teeth wear and tear can eventually lead to tooth waste and weakening of the enamel. 

Injury and Trauma to the Jaw

Physical injury or trauma to the jaw can cause or worsen TMJ disorders. Accidents or direct impacts to the face can affect the joint’s function and cause lasting pain. If an injury sustained in the jaw heals incorrectly, adhesions may lead to pain, causing trigger points in the future. 

Arthritis and Joint Disorders

Arthritic conditions affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) due to their inflammatory response. Joint inflammation from these conditions can lead to pain, swelling, and decreased joint mobility.

Postural and Lifestyle Factors

Poor posture and certain lifestyle factors can influence TMJ disorders. Prolonged periods of poor posture or habits like resting the chin on the hand can contribute to muscle strain and joint issues. One postural condition resulting from prolonged sitting, front-forward head posture, can lead to stress in the neck and face muscles, manifesting in possible problems along the TMJ.   

Genetic Predisposition

Genetics can play a role in the development of TMJ disorders. A family history of jaw disorders or related conditions may increase the likelihood of experiencing TMJ issues. This condition is rare but can have a primary root in the facial structure of an individual’s genes. 

How Medical Massage Can Help TMJ Disorders

Medical massage takes a holistic approach to managing TMJ disorders by targeting the root causes of muscle tension and joint pain. A medical massage practitioner will utilize techniques like trigger point therapy and myofascial release to help break up adhesions and tension points along the jaw, neck, and shoulders.

Massage also helps to relax tight muscles, reduce inflammation, and enhance circulation in the affected areas. Massage therapy can increase jaw mobility and decrease discomfort caused by nerve entrapment and referral pain by deactivating trigger points and releasing tension in supporting muscles.

Techniques Used in Medical Massage for TMJ Disorders

Medical massage therapists employ various techniques to treat TMJ dysfunction, with each method aimed at alleviating pain and restoring proper jaw joint function.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy focuses on releasing muscle adhesions or restricted areas in the soft tissue that contribute to TMJ pain. By applying pressure to specific points around the jaw, neck, and shoulders, the body sends signals to the brain to relieve tension and restore normal muscle function.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release targets the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles and organs. TMJ issues can cause this tissue to become tight and restricted. Myofascial release gently stretches and loosens the fascia, improving mobility and pain relief.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy (NMT) focuses on correcting imbalances between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. By restoring proper muscle function, NMT helps to balance proper joint function and jaw alignment.

PIR Stretching

Post-isometric relaxation (PIR) stretching is a technique for improving flexibility and reducing muscle tension. PIR involves gently stretching the muscles after they have been contracted, which helps release tightness and promote relaxation around the jaw.

Complementary Therapies for TMJ Relief

In addition to medical massage, several complementary therapies can support TMJ treatment and enhance pain relief.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Applying a heat pad can help alleviate acute pain by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow. Alternatively, applying a cold pad can help reduce swelling.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

Your medical provider can recommend jaw-specific exercises alongside medical massage to strengthen the muscles around the TMJ and improve flexibility. These exercises help prevent future dysfunction and complement the massage treatment.

Lifestyle and Dietary Recommendations

Implementing lifestyle changes, such as improving posture and avoiding hard or chewy foods, can alleviate stress on the TMJ. Additionally, dietary adjustments, like eating softer foods, can reduce strain on the jaw and support recovery.

What to Expect During a TMJ Massage Session

A TMJ massage session is designed to address the specific needs of individuals suffering from jaw pain and dysfunction. Here’s what to expect:

Initial Assessment

Before the session begins, the therapist will thoroughly assess your symptoms and jaw function. The assessment may include asking about your pain levels, range of motion, and contributing factors such as stress or injury.

During the Session

Your message professional will utilize various techniques, such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and facilitated stretching, to help relieve symptoms and improve proper jaw function. They will focus on the muscles around the jaw, neck, and shoulders to release tightness and alleviate discomfort.

Post-Treatment Care

After the session, the therapist may recommend at-home care, such as stretching exercises or applying heat or cold packs to the jaw. Any treatment your massage therapist suggests will aim to work synergistically with your general physician or dentist’s recommendations and approval.

TMJ Massage Therapy Specialist

Ready to find lasting relief from TMJ pain? San Diego Medical Massage’s skilled TMJ massage therapists offer personalized treatments to help you effectively find the pain relief you need. 

Click the link below to book your medical massage therapy session.