Just about every athlete, from the weekend hiker to the committed competitor, is usually prone to becoming injured. What happens after the injury might be the difference between getting back into the game after it heals and sitting on the sidelines forever. That’s where massage therapy can make all the difference.
Massage Therapy for Sports Injuries
Numerous studies have shown that injuries heal faster with manual therapy than without, sometimes even doubling the speed of healing. Therapeutic massage encourages lymph circulation, relaxes the muscles, and helps the body pump more oxygen and nutrients into recovering tissues and vital organs. These benefits allow the injured areas to become more flexible and heal at an accelerated rate.
Types of Injuries Massage Therapy Can Help
rotator cuff injuries
plantar fasciitis
ankle strains and sprains
ACL strains
quad and hamstring strains
lower back injuries
tennis elbow
shin splints
groin strains
Sports Injury Massage Benefits
faster healing
improved recovery
improved lymph flow and reduced swelling
improved circulation of injured and surrounding tissues
removing adhesions
helps to maintain soft-tissue integrity
reduces fibrotic buildup
releases muscular tension
increase range of motion
provides physical and psychological stress reduction
How Soon After An Injury Should I Receive a Massage?
Massage therapy in the initial stages of an injury can be helpful, especially for improving lymph flow, reducing swelling right away and calming the nervous system, but hiring an experienced massage therapist is advised when dealing injured soft tissues.
Getting massage within 3-7 days is an ideal time window to begin your soft tissue rehabilitation. At this point, your therapist can focus on breaking the adhesions that could inhibit joint movement, moving in more nutrients, and flush out waste.
5-14 days after the injury, bodywork will aid tissue healing and blood flow, helping to reduce fibrotic buildup. During these sessions, clients will often experience noticeable pain reduction and improved range of motion.
After the initial healing face, regular maintenance massage sessions are adviced for rehab and prevention. The individual should gradually be loading the injured area with various balance and weighted exercises to bring about better proprioception and greater strength.
If you are currently suffering from a sports injury and are looking for relief, San Diego Medical Massage is here to serve. We have been helping athletes from all walks of life to reduce pain and sustainably recover from various sports injuries. With a little work and consistency, you can surely get back to the activities you love doing.